Let’s say that you are part of a small company. You are on the sales team and are on the road quite often. As you get started, you go through a training process, but you obviously do not absorb everything that you are taught (who does?). So, you then go on a few sales calls and need that information that you were originally trained on (you know that latest statistic that you forgot?). This is where a mobile learning management system comes into play. It is the ability to have access on your phone to reading materials, movings, discussion forums and even a quick phone link to a support specialist. This is mobile learning at its’ best, with a user interface that is slick and easy to use. It is training at an ongoing basis. Does this sound interesting to you?
Here are a few things to consider.
1) What type of content do you want readily available to your team at an ongoing basis
2) Do you want trackable interactive content, where the team members can trace previous conversations for knowledge
3) Is there media other forms of media such as audio or video that you want quick interactivity on?
4) Do you have a back-end to support ongoing training. For example, someone to call if that sales person gets in a bind or even video chat with?
A few solutions have been released, but they are proprietary and costly. Other options do exist.
Still interested? Contact me.
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